Initiation (2021) Full Movie Download 720p & 1080p

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Initiation (2021) Watch Online Free In 720p & 1080p

Starring:Froy Gutierrez, Lochlyn Munro, Yancy Butler, Nick Ballard, Amber Pauline Magdesyan, Kent Faulcon, Shalini Bathina, Lindsay LaVanchy

Director: John Berardo | Length: 96 Minutes


Release/Country: 2021/USA

Initiation (2020) Description: Whiton University unravels the night a star-athlete is murdered, kicking off a spree of social media slayings that force students to uncover the truth behind the school’s hidden secrets and the horrifying meaning of an exclamation point.

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During a homecoming party a sorority member named Kylie is found unconscious and alone in a room with three members of Sigma Nu Pi, Beau, Dylan, and Wes. The following morning she is cruelly mocked on social media. Kylie seeks out help from fellow sorority member Shayleen, who in turn approaches Ellery, another sorority member. Ellery agrees to investigate, particularly as Wes is her brother and he has been previously accused of sexual assault.

Wes is murdered by an unknown assailant and his body is discovered by Dylan and Beau. In the following days Wes is lionized by the university chancellor Van Horn, who highlights Wes's prowess at swimming and his lost potential. The murder is investigated by Detective Sandra Fitzgerald and Officer Rico Martinez, the latter of whom discovers that Wes's previous case of sexual assault had been covered up by Van Horn. Soon after, Dylan and Beau are also murdered by the unknown assailant.

Ellery attends a meeting with Van Horn, who is angry that she has been investigating the sexual assault. After she leaves the murderer traps Van Horn in his office and murders him. Meanwhile, Ellery has rejoined Kylie and the two witness the murder, causing the murderer to chase after them. The resulting chase ends with the women stabbing the killer, who is revealed to be Martinez, Kylie's father. He had been motivated to murder Wes and the others after learning that the fraternity had committed similar rapes and other crimes, which the university had covered up.

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